GM Filed A Patent For An In-Car Foot Massager

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Photo: Justin Sullivan (Getty Images)

I have been a lot of things in the passenger seat of a car, and ‘sore’ is very frequently one of them. But I can’t say that I’ve ever imagined I’d need a foot massager on the floor of my vehicle. Nevertheless, General Motors has applied for a patent for one.

The patent was filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office on February 18, 2021, and it “includes a plurality of pneumatic elements positioned on the vehicle floor, an air pressure generating device, and a plurality of connecting lines each in communication with one of the plurality of pneumatic elements and with the air pressure generating device.”


In plain English, that means little bags fill up with air and can be used to massage your feet. It’s how most massage seats work, anyway. Not exactly groundbreaking, but it is the first time it’s been used as a foot massager for passengers.

Image for article titled GM Filed A Patent For An In-Car Foot Massager
Illustration: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

It’s not clear where in the vehicle this technology is intended to be used, but I can’t imagine it’s going to be available to drivers. After all, you’re supposed to be wearing proper shoes behind the wheel—even though nothing would be better on a long drive than a nice foot massage.

Which means this is probably intended for front- and rear-seat passengers. Again, I’m not exactly sure I’m comfortable with people removing their shoes and getting a foot massage in my vehicle if I’m driving and can’t indulge myself. Not only are my chances of smelling your feet dramatically increased, but I have to live with the knowledge that you’re being treated to a little automotive masseuse. It’s not fun.


Audi proposed foot massage tech a while ago, but GM’s version is actually on the floor of the car, whereas Audi’s required you to lift your feet and place them on the back of the seat in front of you. Being able to keep my feet on the floor sounds slightly more appealing.