Elizabeth Blackstock
Senior editor at Jalopnik. Co-author of "Racing With Rich Energy." Last seen wearing heart-shaped sunglasses at a race track.

From a straight up track safety perspective I do agree about Texas, but I think drivers also exercise more caution there because a win at Texas isn't going to be a career-defining move, if that makes sense? I'm not going to push myself past my limit for a win at Texas the way I would at Indy.

we should make the cars longer but they should articulate in the middle

hot dog legs but someone dropped the weenies before the photo

allegedly all that rampant colonialism means the citizens of the UK voted chicken tikka masala as their national dish and I canNOT tell you how stoked I was to not have to make mushy peas

arguably I would rather have a minivan because I think sliding doors are the coolest

I'd just gotten home from the Mexico City ePrix and I'm incapable of going to a race track without climbing around on shit and hurting myself

I had never heard of doing this before! Going to give it a try for my next saffron recipe, thank you!

as genius as the cocaine bloody mary sounds, I have decided on recreating an $8.99 prime rib special at home

Haha, they did inspire it but were cool with me taking it in my own direction! 

Most of the spices and whatnot I've been able to source online, but I've actually struggled with proteins more than anything! I've been all over San Antonio hunting for certain cuts of lamb and certain kinds of seafood and have consistently come up empty handed! I ended up ordering the lamb online, and I think I'm Read more

I absolutely love all the buddies that come hang out on the porch. My neighbors and I all keep an eye out for them to make sure they're healthy, fixed, and enjoying themselves!

Oh I love this! What a beautiful sentiment! Thank you for introducing me to the concept — and for the kind words

I totally understand where you were coming from — and a few of the people in our invitational group walked right out the door when they saw what they were going to have to do. In these situations, I generally come in with the mindset that the person in control of this experience (in this case Nate Kern) would not be Read more

Exhilaration and exhaustion is such a perfect way to sum up the experience! The braking also shocked me — I was surprised at how late you can leave the braking and then how damn hard you have to brake to nail the apex. I felt like I was going to get pitched over the handlebars and really had to steel myself to hold Read more

I’m really looking forward to following along with MotoGP this year! I think I’ve struggled to watch it in the past based on the fact that I couldn’t really come to grips with the experience of riding a motorcycle, as silly as that sounds. Like, I’ve never driven an open-wheel car, but I at least know what it’s like Read more